Block 5, Row 3, Seat 17.
Shay’s taken everythin way’ve ever had. The lot. The telly, the fridge-frayzer, the microwave, the furniture, washin machayne, even the laight-fittings fer God’s sake! Ah should ave sayn it comin. It inna larke shay never warned may. Shay’s been sayin it fer years: ‘Ow thayst bloody cares abite is footbeow. Thee conna ave the best of both worlds! Tak yer pick!’ Ah never took her words seriously, ah’ll bay honest. Ah alweeys thewought it was just another one of those empty threats, thee kneowst?. It wonna larke ah wis aweey every deey. Once or twace a wek, with the lads, cheerin em along, home n aweey. Ah dunna think ah’ve been a bad husband. Fer from it.
What am ah supposed ta deow nah? Ah’ve got absolutely nothin. Shay’s even taken may most prized possession, just ite of spite: an ‘istoric payce o’ rubble from the owd Victoria Grind. The Boothen End, thee kneowst? Ah spent two wayks wages biddin fer that.
Ah’m crushed.
Thee‘s nowt ah can deow; conna slayp, conna work, conna eat, conna think…
Ah’ve got nothing left.
Ah bloody well loved that brick.
Shay’s taken everythin way’ve ever had. The lot. The telly, the fridge-frayzer, the microwave, the furniture, washin machayne, even the laight-fittings fer God’s sake! Ah should ave sayn it comin. It inna larke shay never warned may. Shay’s been sayin it fer years: ‘Ow thayst bloody cares abite is footbeow. Thee conna ave the best of both worlds! Tak yer pick!’ Ah never took her words seriously, ah’ll bay honest. Ah alweeys thewought it was just another one of those empty threats, thee kneowst?. It wonna larke ah wis aweey every deey. Once or twace a wek, with the lads, cheerin em along, home n aweey. Ah dunna think ah’ve been a bad husband. Fer from it.
What am ah supposed ta deow nah? Ah’ve got absolutely nothin. Shay’s even taken may most prized possession, just ite of spite: an ‘istoric payce o’ rubble from the owd Victoria Grind. The Boothen End, thee kneowst? Ah spent two wayks wages biddin fer that.
Ah’m crushed.
Thee‘s nowt ah can deow; conna slayp, conna work, conna eat, conna think…
Ah’ve got nothing left.
Ah bloody well loved that brick.